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At 12:00 noon on October 1, 2019, a "Great Revival" square formed by 3,514 Tsinghua teachers and students walked through Tiananmen Square. They embraced the huge portrait of Xi Jinping and shouted the slogan " Long live the motherland, young people refueling ", showing the self-improvement and positive outlook of contemporary young students.

A "Great Revival" square formed by 3,514 Tsinghua teachers and students

On October 31, 2019, the 172 Party branch of DESS invited the students from our department to participate in a "special event" (that is, the National Day Mass Parade) to share their feelings throughout the process.

Next, all the students who participated in the special activity also shared their stories one by one. First, Huang Guorui explained the content of his work. Unlike other students, Huang Guorui participated in special activities as a volunteer. During the training process, volunteers do a variety of logistical support for everyone. After the National Day parade, the volunteers persisted until all other participants exited and sorted out various items before returning. Although they did not appear in front of the camera, the volunteers silently supported and witnessed the great moment in another way.

The 13 students who participated in the square also shared their experiences. Although some students were slightly shaken in the early stages of registration, they became more and more firm in their beliefs throughout the process. Some students insist on full-time training in order to participate in this special activity to eliminate all difficulties. During the training, although they tanned themselves, they also enhanced their friendship and gained special memories.

In the song "My Motherland and I", Teacher Wu Haiping presented the commemorative medals customized by DESS to the students who participated in the special activities. "My motherland and I are like a sea and a wave of flowers. The waves are the red of the sea, and the sea is the backing of the waves." As the song sings, the special activity has made everyone feel the grandeur of the motherland and let these students Have the opportunity to express your enthusiasm to the motherland.

Teacher Wu Haiping presents medals and photos for students participating in special activity

In the end, Wu explained the belief of the Chinese nation from the perspective of Chinese history and geography with the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. Wu expounded the significance of the solidarity of the Chinese people with the history of the Yellow River diversion, flooding and dam construction. Teacher Wu also hopes that everyone here will work harder and contribute to the prosperity of the motherland.

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