Title:Professor of Economics and Finance of the Built Environment, The School of Construction and Project Management, The Bartlett, University College London
University of Pennsylvania, Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, Graduate Group in History • Ph.D. (2008); M.A. (2004);
Research Interests:Research Interests:infrastructure, construction, climate change,economic geography, economic history and infrastructure economics.
Title:Member of the United States National Academy of Sciences. Lecturing Chair Professor of Harvey Brooks, Harvard University.
PhD(1979), University of British Columbia,USA
BS(1971), Yale University,USA
Research Interests:Sustainable Science, Earth System Science, Ecology
Title:Academician, the German National Academy of Sciences and the United States National Academy of Sciences.
PhD(1980) and BS(1976) University of Regensburg, Germany.
Research Interests:Condensed matter physics, complex systems dynamics, climate change research, Earth System analysis, sustainability science
Title:Professor of Climate Change Policy, Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge
PhD(2003) University of Manchester, Department of Chemical Engineering
BS(2006) University of Cambridge, Department of Chemical Engineering
MPP(2010) Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government,Masters in Public Policy
Research Interests:Energy and climate policy; innovation and science policy; technological change; R&D institutions and management; decision making under uncertainty; water-energy-food nexus; policy and integrated analysis; sustainable development