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During the last 70 years, solving physical equations on High Performance Computers has been the main workhorse of weather, climate and environmental research and prediction.However, Moore's law is over, the energy cost of HPC is hardly affordable, and increasing the scalability of scientific numerical codes is extremely complex ... Have we reached the end of the road? If so, what is next?The talk will present work at the Met Office Informatics Lab and the University of Exeter trying to answer those questions through scalable platforms to enable data science, machine learning, natural language processing, and novel visualisation approaches.

Presenter Profile

Professor Arribas is the Head of the Met Office Informatics Lab and an Associate Professor at the University of Exeter Institute for Data Science and AI. Alberto is also a Research Fellow at the Met Office and the Alan Turing Institute.Alberto is the author of over 50 peer reviewed publications, has developed world-leading prediction systems for weather and climate, served in expert committees for the USA Academy of Science and the World Meteorological Organisation, and won various awards. His areas of expertise include: Probabilistic forecasting for decision-making; R&D on emerging technologies; and strategic innovation.

