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20,November, 2014, deputy secretary of China Scholarship Council(CSC) Ning Zhang visited CESS on the invitation of Graduate School, Tsinghua University and gave a lecture named “Analysis on Silicon Valley ”. Before the lecture, Mr. Zhang was invited by Pro. Gong to a small seminar held by CESS and had a pleasant conversation with Professor Gong, Professor Luo and other 30 graduates from CESS.

In the seminar, Mr. Zhang introduced himself to the attenders and left everyone an impressive feeling with his crossing fields including nuclear physics, law and education and years’ working on oversea education. Also Mr. Zhang gave answers and instructions on issues of concern to studying abroad. Professor Gong in behalf of CESS gave Mr. Zhang a greeting welcome and gave him a magazine named New Geoscientists edited by graduates in CESS as a gift.

After the seminar, deputy secretary Zhang gave the speech “Analysis on Silicon Valley ” in the multi-purpose hall of Monminwei Technology Building. In the lecture, Mr. Zhang briefly introduced the basic situation of Silicon Valley and analyzed the differences between China and the other world in development of innovation and entrepreneurship based on the industrial innovation in Silicon Valley. Also he expressed the hope and support to domestic scientific and technological progress.

All the participators has gained lots of knowledge after this lecture.

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