This presentation describes the development of a next-generation global climate model with full representation of cloud microphysics at a horizontal resolution of an order of 10 km, which is so-called “Grey-zone GCM.” In particular, several issues of developing such a model are presented, such as modification of the cloud microphysics suitable to the horizontal resolution and the way of incorporating the sub-grid scale convective mixing processes in the grey-zone GCM. The newly developed GCM is shown to simulate the local precipitation statistics and the Madden and Julian Oscillation reasonably well and cures common biases of the precipitation statistics simulated by most of conventional GCMs with convective parameterization, which produce too much light rain and too little heavy rain compared to the observation.
Prof. In-Sik Kang is a Professor Emeritus at Seoul National University (SNU). He received Ph.D. at Oregon State University in 1984. After his post-doc period (1984-1986) at GFDL/Princeton University, he had been a Professor of Seoul National University. For 2000-2009, he had been the Director of Center of Excellence for Climate Environment System Research at SNU. He has a long history of working with international climate community as members of various panels of World Climate Research Program (WCRP) and a member of WCRP Joint Science Committee (JSC) for 2013-2018. His science achievements are in the areas of climate modeling and prediction, and climate dynamics related to ENSO and teleconnection. Apart from his science achievements, he has also made a great contribution to the climate science community by generating a number of excellent next-generation scientists and educating scientists from the third-world countries. With recognition of his scientific achievement and contributions, World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has awarded him the 2021 International Meteorological Organization (IMO) Prize.
