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报告题目:An Improved Microwave Satellite Data Set for Hydrological and Meteorological Applications

报告时间:2016.7.26 10:00-11:30


主 讲 人:Dr. Wenze Yang University of Maryland, USA

报告时间 2016.7.26 10:00-11:30 报告地点 蒙民伟科技南楼S818
主 讲 人 Dr. Wenze Yang University of Maryland, USA


More than one decade of observations from the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit-A (AMSU-A) onboard the polar-orbiting satellites NOAA-15 to NOAA-19, and European Meteorological Operational satellite program-A (MetOp-A) provide global information on atmospheric temperature profile, water vapor, cloud, precipitation, etc. After the correction of the asymmetric cross-scan bias of the AMSU-A window channels, and inter-calibration among the same sensor onboard the different NOAA (NOAA-15, -16, -17, -18 and -19) and EUMETSAT satellites, the quality of the data set has been improved regarding to symmetry and consistency, for both fundamental and thematic climate data record (CDR). This update is important to the primary scientific users, including "blended" product developers and organizations, such as WCRP/GEWEX/GPCP/CMORPH, and etc, to improve their data quality accordingly. Further, I will show some of my research about hydrological and meteorological application -- atmospheric river, on its characterization, and association with various phenomena.


