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报告题目:Unified satellite image fusion for sustainable urban environment

报告时间:2018年6月13日(周三) 9:00─10:00


主 讲 人:黄波教授 香港中文大学

报告时间 2018年6月13日(周三) 9:00─10:00 报告地点 蒙民伟科技大楼南楼818会议室
主 讲 人 黄波教授 香港中文大学


The recent decades have witnessed the launch of a large number of orbiting satellite sensors with different spatial, temporal, spectral, and angular (STSA) characteristics, resulting in dramatic improvementsin the ability to acquire images of the Earth surfaceanda boominremote sensing (RS) applications in environmental, ecological, and disaster monitoring. However, current RS technology cannot monitor dense and dynamic urban environments with complex structures and changes that require high spatial detail, frequent coverage, fine spectral resolution, and multi-angleobservation. This is largelydue to the fact that there is no satellite sensor that can achieve simultaneously high STSA resolution. Unified satellite image fusion aims to circumvent this obstacle by achieving high resolution with respect to all the image properties for a virtual satellite sensor. The generated high STSA resolution imagery can greatly contribute to the exploration andimprovementof existing satellite image resources for urban environmental applications by detecting more details in a more accurate manner. This presentation will introduce to you the speaker’s endeavors along this line of research, including both the methodologies and applications in land cover change and environmental monitoring.


Dr. Bo Huang is a Professor in the Department of Geography and Resource Management, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, where he is also the Associate Director of Institute of Space and Earth Information Science (ISEIS). Prior to this, he held faculty positions at University of Calgary, Canada (Geomatics) and National University of Singapore (Transportation). Currently he is exploring along the line of geospatial big data to address urban environmental problems. He was appointed the Chief Scientist of Joint Laboratory of Smart Cities (Beijing) in 2015 and awarded Chang Jiang Scholar (Chair Professorship) by the Ministry of Education of PR China in 2016. His research team has developed a mobile APP, TouchAir, in recent years for estimating air pollution concentrations at any location in Hong Kong and Mainland China using spatial big data, which received Hong Kong ICT Awards 2018 – Smart People Award.

