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The oxidation of hydrocarbons plays a key role in the atmosphere. All hydrocarbons including methane (CH4) react in air to form carbon monoxide (CO) and then carbon dioxide (CO2) through a series of reactions. CO and CH4are the largest sink for hydroxyl radical that controls the oxidizing capacity of the troposphere, and CO2and CH4are the most important greenhouse gases. Quantifying emission sources of these species and understanding the underlying sinks are urgently needed to support atmospheric chemistry research. Here we use a multi-species Bayesian inversion framework that jointly assimilates observations of related tracers within hydrocarbon oxidation to retrieve the distribution of CO and CH4fluxes at global and regional scales. By analyzing spatial and temporal details and comparing the Bayesian inversion results to bottom-up estimates, the key trends and drivers of emission fluxes are investigated to achieve robust and consistent estimates. For CO2, we use the satellite measurement from OCO-2 retrievals to quantify fossil fuel CO2emissions at urban scale. I will introduce the Bayesian inversion framework built upon OCO-2 data and present preliminary inversion results of CO2emissions with a case study.

Presenter Profile

Dr. Bo Zheng is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Laboratory of Climate Sciences and Environment, France. He obtained his Ph.D from Tsinghua University in 2016, and BS from Tsinghua University in 2011. His research interest is emission estimation of greenhouse gases and air pollutants using both bottom-up and top-down approaches. He has authored and co-authored 40 papers on peer-reviewed journals which have received a total of 1100 citations.

