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Taking the Aral Sea as an example, the lecture will give an overview of the changes in the natural environment in Central Asia since the middle of the last century (mainly related to surface water) and compare the situation in Central Asia and Northwest China. It shows that the economic development has a tremendous damaging effect on the environment and points out that the foundation of sustainable development is to respect the laws of nature. The ecological environment in arid areas is easily destroyed but difficult to recover.

Presenter Profile

Yang Shu, born in September 1947 in Qinghe County, Hebei Province, is currently a professor and doctoral tutor. From August 1988 to October 1991, he worked in the Embassy of the Soviet Union. In July 1997, he was the deputy party secretary of Lanzhou University. From December 2001 to September 2007, he was the vice president of Lanzhou University. Since 1996, he was the director of Central Asia Institute of Lanzhou University. His main research areas are Central Asia, anti-separatism, anti-terrorism, geopolitics and international relations theory. He has published more than 100 papers, 10 translations, and more than 20 national and ministerial projects.He is now vice chairman of Sino-Russian Relations History Research Association, Vice president of the National Institute of International Politics, Executive director of the Institute of International Relations, executive director of China Russia East European Central Asian Institute, executive director of China Shanghai Cooperation Organization Research Center, Education experts of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and so on.

