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报告题目:European efforts in greenhouse gas emissions monitoring and a new regional CO2 data assimilation system: TRACE



主 讲 人:Hans Chen/Assistant Professor

报告时间 2023年8月4日(周五)上午10点 报告地点 清华大学蒙民伟科技大楼南楼S818
主 讲 人 Hans Chen/Assistant Professor


Division of Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Department of Space, Earth and Environment, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

报告内容简介:This talk wil give a brief overview of the ongoing efforts in Europe in establishing an operational anthropogenic CO2 emissions monitoring and verification capacity to support the Paris Agreement. The need for top-down and inverse methods, some of the challenges, and new exciting opportunities offered by next-generation satellites will be introduced. Furthermore, the new efforts include a regional coupled atmosphere–carbon data assimilation system, which is specifically designed to handle large amount of data from satellites. The system has been tested in a series of controlled experiments, demonstrating that it is capable of constraining the exchange of CO2 between the land/ocean and atmosphere at regional scales given a sufficient number of observations. This talk will be concluded with a discussion of where the potential for future advances in the field of inverse modeling.

报告人简介:2018年于美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学气象学与大气科学系获得博士学位,2018–2022年在瑞典隆德大学自然地理和生态系统科学系从事研究工作,2023年开始在瑞典查尔姆斯理工大学空间、地球和环境系担任助理教授。 长期从事碳-大气耦合同化及二氧化碳源汇区域估算研究。

