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报告题目:A Carbon Emission Flying Geese Model

报告时间:2018年6月5日(周二) 15:30─17:00


主 讲 人:Prof. Jinjun Xue, Nagoya University, Japan

报告时间 2018年6月5日(周二) 15:30─17:00 报告地点 蒙民伟科技大楼南楼818会议室
主 讲 人 Prof. Jinjun Xue, Nagoya University, Japan


Globalization and economic liberalization promote a country’s international trade, enhance its position in global value chains as well as induce carbon leakage between countries and regions. In China, as the inner preferred policy has prompted economic growth and foreign trade of retarded regions, the participation degree of these regions in domestic and international value chains had been upgraded. However, these improvements also increased inland carbon emissions and created regional carbon leakage. This study develops a Carbon Emission Flying Geese Model to analysis the trend of regional industrial structure change and the interregional transfer of environmental pollution and carbon emissions, and to explore a pathway of green and low-carbon development. On this basis, we predict whether China’s oversee industrial transfer follows the goose-type path when China implements the “Belt & Road Initiative” and advice a green and low-carbon “Belt and Road”.


Dr. Jinjun Xue is a professor of Economic Research Center, Nagoya University, Japan, and Co-director of Institute of Global Low-carbon Economy. He also serves as a guest researcher at Energy Research Institute of National Development and Reform Commission of China, adjunct professor at School of Contemporary China Studies of Tsinghua University, Chief Scientist at Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Carbon Emissions Trading and so on. He published about 100 papers in academic journals such asScience, Energy Economics, Applied Energy, Social Sciences in China, Economic Research Journal,etc. in English, Chinese and Japanese. He also serves as a guest editor for the journals ofApplied Energy, Singapore Economic Review etc.He is one of the authors of the first textbook of “Development Economics” in China, the first person who published the book entitled “Low Carbon Economics”, one of the founders of the first institute named after the “Low-carbon Economy”. He was also one of the scholars who advocated China’s implementation of the export-led economic growth model, first person who proposed a low-carbon growth model while actively participated in the designs of low-carboncityand carbon emission trading scheme (ETS) in China.

